54 Nets Birch Kiln Dried Logs 500kg Full Crate

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54 BIRCH NETS Full Crate 500kg

If taking on a crate of logs is too much for you for various reasons, we've got a half pallet of 54 nets for you. Easy to transport, unload and store, 54 nets (around 500 kg) will offer you a volume of wood somewhere between our economy crate and our large crate.


  • Moisture Content: <18%  – Certified by Woodsure
  • Log length: 23-25cm (fits 95% of stoves)
  • Log diametre: 6-15cm
  • Volume: 30 litres per net
  • Net inner measurements: 45cmx55cm
  • Crate measurements: 120cmx100cm
  • Free UK delivery


Birch, like ash, is another hardwood and a good firewood to burn particularly if you want fast heat. Birch bark makes great fire starter because of its similarity to paper and has a unique slightly sweet smell which most people find pleasant. Birch is perfect if your logs will be on display due to its silvery flaky bark. We recommend Birch if you're having occasional fires and want fast high heat. They're excellent when burnt with other slower burning logs.

Our Prices are Hot! Comparison Guide

We understand it's difficult to compare online firewood products like for like, which is why we've created this fun comparison guide to help paint a picture of how much wood you really get with us!

Product Weight Equivalent to Our Saving vs Homebase
54 Birch Nets 490kg (approx) 3 builders bags of logs (or)
60 Glow bags (8kg) from Homebase
Plus free delivery

*Calculated on the 3 bags for £18 deal plus supplementary bags at £7.50.

Interesting Fact! Builder’s bags of logs look like great value, but they're mostly air and water!

Our kiln dried logs in nets are compactly packed, where as builder bags are loosely filled, which means there's a lot of space and air in the bag. Builder bags often contain seasoned logs that have a higher water content than kiln dried logs, thus increasing the weight of the bag but reducing the burn quality of the wood. Ultimately, you’ll end up paying for more water, less wood and have poorer quality logs to burn. 


On the day of your delivery your firewood will be brought to you via a tail-lift lorry and placed either kerbside or your driveway. Please read our shipping and returns page to make sure you understand the limitations and your responsibilities before you place your order.