Birch Logs

Birch logs for sale

Kiln dried birch, like ash, is another hardwood and a good firewood to burn particularly if you want fast heat. Silver birch bark makes a great fire starter because of its similarity to paper and has a unique slightly sweet smell which most people find pleasant. Silver birch is perfect if your logs will be on display due to its silvery flaky bark. We recommend Birch if you're having occasional fires and want fast high heat. They're excellent when burnt with other slower burning logs. These logs are ready to burn certified and delivered free in England and Wales.

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Silver ​Birch Logs - Everything you need to know

If you are looking for a quick way to start up a fire in your wood burner, then our kiln dried birch logs are an ideal choice.
Birch is a great option for firewood if you light up your fire occasionally or want to burn it alongside other wood such as ash.
Birch Trees
Birch trees are found right across the Northern Hemisphere and temperate climates are where they tend to thrive.
Birch has been utilised as a firewood (among a range of other uses) for a long time. The fact that it burns evenly and doesn’t take much to get it to light are big advantages. You’ll also find birch plywood being used for furniture, skateboards while the leaves can be used in tea and also for cosmetic products and dyes. With its silvery flaky bark, birch logs are pleasant as a decorative feature too.
How Do Birch Logs Burn?
Birch is quite a quick burning firewood. This is good for a few reasons.

If you don’t light up your fire or your wood burner on a regular basis and perhaps don’t need it to burn for a long time, using kiln dried birch logs is perfect. It will light quickly, burn fairly fast (but not too fast!) and gives off a decent amount of heat as well.

It is also suitable if you are new to lighting a fire at home. It can take a while to get the hang of lighting a fire and you may find our blog posts - How to start a fire in a log burner - useful. By searching for ‘kiln dried birch logs near me’ and using birch wood, you can get your fire started in no time at all.

Even experienced wood burner and open fire users will find our birch logs useful for using alongside slower burning firewood like ash. This can help to create long lasting fires that burn for hours on end.
Did You Know?
1. There are around 60 different types of birch trees
2. A birch tree usually lives for about 50 years but can live for up to 200
3. Birch trees are tall - the average height is around 40 feet
4. Birch firewood gives off a sweet aroma when burnt
Buy Our Birch Logs for Sale
We have a range of different sizes of kiln dried birch logs that will suit your needs.This ranges from Monster Crates that will keep your fire burning constantly over the winter to smaller nets if you are only lighting it on an occasional basis.

We offer free delivery throughout England and Wales and all our logs are certified Ready to Burn. This means that the moisture content of our logs is below 20% and results in reduced emissions when it is lit.

Have a look below at our great birch logs for sale and get your fire roaring during the cold months of the year.
See How Birch Firewood Burns