14th Aug 2020

​Where to get wood burner logs?

Where to get wood burner logs

Having a wood burner can not only work wonders to warm up your home which is ideal in the colder months but it also creates a cosy atmosphere.

If you have a wood burner you will be looking for wood burner logs for sale, but what is the best type of wood to use? There are so many different types of wood out there and while many people think all wood burns the same, this isn’t the case.

Some types of wood are more suited to a wood burner than others.

In this blog we’re going to look at what logs you should use in a wood burner, how many logs you should buy and where you find wood burner logs for sale.

What logs should you put in your wood burner?

This really depends on a few different factors such as:

  • How often you light up your wood burner
  • How long you want the fire to last for
  • If you want a pleasant aroma or crackling sounds
  • How large your wood burner is

We would recommend using kiln dried logs for your wood burner and you can find out the process of kiln drying logs in our recent blog post - How to Kiln Dry Firewood.

Kiln dried logs are essentially wood that has significant amounts of moisture removed so they burn better. This is done over a few days at high temperatures.

If you use your wood burner pretty regularly and want a long lasting fire then ash wood burner logs are recommended while for those of you who light up your wood burner infrequently and don’t have it going for too long, birch wood burner logs are a better option. Birch also has a sweet smell when it is burned.

How many logs do you need?

Wood burners obviously vary in size however in most cases you’ll need two to three logs on the fire at any one time. This ensures it burns consistently and you aren’t constantly adding kindling or logs to it to keep the fire going.

In terms of how much wood you need for your wood burner, you’ll need to think about how often you are going to actually use it.

We offer sales of crates of logs for wood burners that can be ideal if you are lighting the fire on a regular basis. Remember, they are quite large so you will need adequate storage space.

If you’re only lighting the wood burner now and again and it isn’t your primary heat source in the room (or even your home), then our range of nets might be more suitable.

Wood burner logs for sale

Wood burners are very common in many homes and they work really well to heat up a room and create a pleasant atmosphere.

You need to ensure that you get the right type of wood to burn. We have several wood burner logs for sale in different size options to suit your needs. Our logs are 25cm in length, which fits 95% of wood burners out there. If you don’t know the size of your burner, get a measuring tape and measure the inside (obviously when the fire isn’t on!) to make sure they fit.

Rather than just going out and purchasing any old wood, make sure you get the best logs that will not only generate heat but also keep your fire blazing for a long time too.

If you want to know how to light the perfect fire in your wood burner, check out our guide - How to light a wood burner.